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Framework summary

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Name of the Framework
SIGMA : Sustainability Integrated Guidelines for Management

Brief description of the framework and tools within it
Project SIGMA aims to provide clear, practical advice to organisations to help them make a meaningful contribution to sustainable development.

The purpose of the SIGMA Guiding Principles is:
• to help organisations understand how they can contribute to sustainable development
• to provide a framework that helps organisations to develop a robust set of guiding principles that they can then follow

Sigma is designed to effectively meet challenges posed by social, environmental and economic dilemmas, threats and opportunities.

The SIGMA Guiding Principles consist of two core elements:
1. The holistic management of five different types of capital; Natural capital - the environment; Social capital - social relationships and structure; Human capital - people; Manufactured capital - fixed assets; Financial capital - profit and loss, sales, shares, cash etc, that reflect an organisation´s overall impact and wealth in the broadest sense.
2. The exercise of accountability, by being transparent and responsive to stakeholders and complying with relevant rules and standards.

Sigma consists of 3 parts :
SIGMA content
How it helps and organisation
SIGMA Guiding Principles
Helps an organisation understand how it can contribute to sustainable development and offer a framework to help an organisation develop its own robust principles.
SIGMA Management Framework integrates sustainable development issues into core processes and mainstream decision-making.

Four phases are broken down into detailed sub-phases to allow an organisation to develop, plan, deliver, monitor and report on sustainable development strategy and performance. The Framework explains clearly and concisely necessary activities, the anticipated outcomes, and lists further resources. It also helps an organisation understand how to build on what it already has in place.

SIGMA Toolkit
Advice and guidance on specific management challenges, e.g. reviewing performance, assessing opportunities and risks, and stakeholder engagement.
Sigma Project

The SIGMA Management Framework provides a cycle of four flexible phases: leadership and vision; planning; delivery; and review, feedback and reporting. The framework can be entered and the phases moved through at different speeds with different emphasis being placed on different phases, depending on individual circumstances, availability of resources and the level of maturity of sustainable development policies, strategies and programmes. The SIGMA Management Framework may be used in whole or in part:
• to integrate existing management systems, building on existing approaches;
• to establish a stand-alone management system;
• as guidance to deepen and broaden existing management practice without the formal structure of a management system.

The toolkit provides a range of practical tools and guides that organisations can use to help improve management of sustainability issues and overall performance, e.g. a business case tool, a performance review tool, a process for stakeholder engagement and a sustainability scorecard.

Specific topic focussed on by framework
General/Management- Sigma is designed to help organisations to make a meaningful contribution to sustainable development

Web link

How are the tools organised within the framework?
The SIGMA toolkit consists of a range of supporting tools, guides and case studies to support the implementation of the SIGMA Guidelines and to address specific sustainability challenges.

These tools, guides and case studies are selected from a pull down menu under the heading toolkit.

Some of the tools in the toolkit were developed specifically for SIGMA and others, such as GRI and environmental accounting, have been taken from external sources, as they present the best current approach. All the SIGMA-specific tools have been developed in conjunction with piloting organisations.

Sector/s covered by framework






Building & land use







What language/s is the framework available in?

What organisation developed the framework and in what country?
Support of the UK Department of Trade and Industry. It is a Partnership between the British Standards Institution (the leading standards organisation), Forum for the Future (a leading sustainability charity and think-tank), and AccountAbility (the international professional body for accountability).

Where is the framework available from?

What are the strengths of the framework?
• SIGMA seeks, where possible, to help organisations work from where they are towards sustainable development. This helps them to build on, rather than replace, use of existing systems.
• The SIGMA Management Framework has been developed with the intention of being flexible enough for all organisations to use, including those with bespoke systems and those at various stages of sustainable development.

What are the weaknesses of the framework?
A summary of the possible uses of the tools available would make selection of an appropriate tool faster. The case study information is very limited. There is no documentation on how the case study organisations have applied SIGMA. The information provided seems theoretical and complicated in parts.

What other interesting information is available about the framework?
Tools included in the framework are:
• AA1000s assurance module
• Business case tool
• Compatibility tool
• Environmental Accounting Tool
• Global Reporting Initiative Reporting Tool
• SIGMA Performance review tool
• SIGMA Guide to Guidelines and Standards relevant to sustainable development
• SIGMA Guide to Stakeholder Engagement
• SIGMA Guide to Sustainability issues
• SIGMA Sustainability Accounting Guide
• SIGMA sustainability scorecard
• Risk and Opportunity Guide