Water and Sewage
Green Blue
Buildings & land use


What is a tool?
A tool is a procedure, guidance, method, evaluation or assessment to accomplish an objective or achieve a result.

In the PETUS research project tools are included that assist in incorporating sustainability into urban infrastructure projects.

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How can tools help you ?
Tools can be used to help incorporate sustainability into urban infrastructure in an organised and methodological manner. Tools can help different stakeholders to understand and agree what sustainabililty issues are important for a particular project. Tools can help to provide a consistent approach to sustainability over time and within and between organisations.

What are the different characteristics of tools ?
It is often difficult to identify the most appropriate tool for use in practice and for this reason many tools are not used as often as they could be. Tools are often rejected for fear that they will take too long to complete or may not be the ’right tool for the use’.

The PETUS team have identified many tools during our research that are being used in practice. In order to a simplify the selection of a tool or group of tools that may be useful for your project we have grouped tools into a number of different types. For each type we have provided a summary of the type of tool, the stage of a project when the type of tool could be used, the type of output that is produced when using the tool and some comments on experiences from using each type of tool.

The list of the types of tools that we have identified can be seen below:
(Click on name of tool type for further information).

Process Guides
1a Frameworks
1b Environmental Assessments
1c Policies, Strategies, Programmes
1d Checklists

Calculation Tools
2a Life Cycle Analysis
2b Other environmental calculation methods
2c Economic and social evaluation tools
2d System Simulation tools

Assessment methods
3a Multi-Criteria Assessment tools
3b Evaluation procedures
3c Surveys and public discussions

Monitoring tools
4a Indicators and benchmarks
4b Accounting tools

What tools are included within PETUS ?
Tools that have been identified and described within the PETUS project have come from two main sources:
1) Tools that have been used within case studies – for these tools, a comprehensive set of information has been collected including a summary of the tool, the characteristics of the tool, information on the application of the tool in practice, where the tool can be obtained from and opinion on the tool from the tool user within the case study.
The PETUS case studies are sector specific (energy, waste, water/sewage, transport, green/blue or buildings & land use). Of the tools from the case studies, there is a fair representation of sectors, however the majority of tools can be found in the buildings & land use sector.

Types of tools used in the different sectors of the case studies
Types of tools used in the different sectors of the case studies

2) Tools that were identified from a literature review – an extensive literature review has been undertaken by the PETUS team to identify tools that could be used to include sustainability into urban infrastructure projects. As no evidence has been found of these tools being used in practice a brief description of each tool is provided but comment on the application is not available.

Frameworks - Collections of tools
Within the literature review a series of frameworks have also been identified. A Framework can be described as a collection of information that aims to support actions relating to a specific matter such as social implications of an infrastructure project.

The Frameworks found describe how to manage a project or policy relating sustainability including the phases to go through, how to involve stakeholders, types of tools to be used, how to analyse the situation, etc. Different types of end users are addressed depending on the sector covered and the point of view of the Frameworks' developers.

buildings and land use

Community Tool Box (CTB)
buildings and land use

buildings and land use

water and sewage

EcoCity 2000
buildings and land use

green blue

buildings and land use

Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) TOOLBOX
water and sewage

buildings and land use

Livelihoods Connect
buildings and land use

buildings and land use

buildings and land use


SIGMA : Sustainability Integrated Guidelines for Management
buildings and land use

The Strategic Environmental Framework (SEF)
buildings and land use

TOOLBOX for Mobility Management Measures in Companies

Toolbox for Regional Policy Analysis

Urge: Interdisciplinary Criteria Catalogue (ICC)
green blue

Reviewed tools

"Pollumeter" for Brussels-Capital Region

A Guide to the Eco-Management and Audit Scheme for UK Local Government (A Manual for Environmental Management in Local Government)
buildings and land use

A way towards a city of the future
buildings and land use

Achieving Excellence Design Evaluation Toolkit (AEDET)
buildings and land use

Action Towards Local Sustainbility (ATLAS) sustainability management toolkit: Sustainability Checklist
buildings and land use

AMP 3 Process map
water and sewage (PETUS case study)

APDD Grid (Association For Sustainable Development, France).
water and sewage

buildings and land use (PETUS case study)

BEAT 2002 (Building Environmental Assessment Tool)
buildings and land use

BEES (Building for Environment and Economic Sustainability)
buildings and land use

Best Value and Sustainability Checklist (Dudley Council)
buildings and land use

Best Value and Sustainability Checklist (SOLACE, I&DeA, Local Government Association)
buildings and land use

BRE Sustainability Checklist for developments: A common framework for developers and local authorities
buildings and land use (PETUS case study)

BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) for office designs
buildings and land use (PETUS case study)

Cardiff County Council Sustainability Appraisal Matrix
buildings and land use (PETUS case study)

water and sewage

all sectors (PETUS case study)

CEEQUAL - The Civil Engineering Environmental Quality and Assessment Scheme
buildings and land use

Checklists to support land use planning
buildings and land use

Concerted Development Zone procedure CDZ (Concerted Planning Zone)
buildings and land use (PETUS case study)

Context Analysis
buildings and land use (PETUS case study)

Contract Evaluation (Contractor Selection Matrix)
buildings and land use (PETUS case study)

Cost-benefit-analyses (CBA)
transport (PETUS case study)

Countryside around Towns Planning Framework
buildings and land use

CSD Framework
buildings and land use

Design Guidance/Design code
buildings and land use (PETUS case study)

Differentiated Management
green blue (PETUS case study)

Digital analytical tool
buildings and land use

Dispute Resolution Ladder
buildings and land use (PETUS case study)

DTU Biogas-model

EASEWASTE (Environmental Assessment of Solid Waste Systems and Technologies)

Eco Balance Model
buildings and land use

Eco-indicator 99
buildings and land use

buildings and land use

Ecological Footprint
buildings and land use

EiEolienne planning-map
energy (PETUS case study)

Energy Framework

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Environmental statement (ES)
buildings and land use (PETUS case study)

Environmental indicator for ground water monitoring
water and sewage (PETUS case study)

Environmental management Control Panel
buildings and land use (PETUS case study)

Environmental Management System
buildings and land use (PETUS case study)

Environmental Manual (Environmental impact/aspect register and risk assessment)
buildings and land use (PETUS case study)

Equity mapping analysis
green blue

buildings and land use

European Common Indicators
buildings and land use

Evaluation Grid
water and sewage (PETUS case study)

Evaluation of new approaches for the regional implementation of ecological goals using the example of the Mecklenburg lakes district
buildings and land use

Expert Evaluation
buildings and land use (PETUS case study)

Feasibility Studies
buildings and land use (PETUS case study)

Forum for the Future's Regional Authority Sustainable Development Matrix
buildings and land use

Forum for the Future, Local Authority Sustainability Development Matrix
buildings and land use

Framework for Evaluating Assessment
buildings and land use

Framework for system analysis of sustainable urban water management
water and sewage

Framework of Guidelines for Wind Energy development in Wallonia ("Cadre de reference pour l´implantation d'éoliennes en Région wallonne")
energy (PETUS case study)

GB Tool
buildings and land use

GIS / Risk for ground water pollution on regional scale
water and sewage

Green Accounting for Residential Areas, version 3.1.
buildings and land use (PETUS case study)

Green Diploma for Housing Associations
buildings and land use (PETUS case study)

Green Plot Ratio
buildings and land use

GREENSCOM Toolkit for assessmentof planning concepts and policy
green blue

GREENSPACE Strategic Decision Support System (DSS)
green blue

Health Impact Assessment (HIA)
buildings and land use

Hochtief Griffiths QUENSH
buildings and land use (PETUS case study)

Housing Quality Indicators (HQI)
buildings and land use

Housing sightlines checklist
buildings and land use (PETUS case study)

HQE Process
buildings and land use (PETUS case study)

HUD Framework
buildings and land use

Impact Monitoring and Assessment (IMA)
buildings and land use

Indicating Right: environmental performance indicators for the waste management sector

Indicators for Spatial Planning
buildings and land use (PETUS case study)

Indicators for the sustainability assessment of wastewater treatment systems
water and sewage

Institutional Sustainability Indicators
buildings and land use

Integrated monitoring tool for urban green space (IMTGS)
green blue

Integrated Water Management Co-ordination Tool
water and sewage

Interdisciplinary Criteria Catalogue (ICC)
green blue

ISTAT Environmental Indicator Sets (EIS)
buildings and land use

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
buildings and land use (PETUS case study)

Land use Evolution and Impact Assessment Model (LEAM)
buildings and land use

Least-Cost Pathway Analysis

Lifetime Homes
buildings and land use (PETUS case study)

LISA (LCA in Lifecycle analysis)
buildings and land use

LURM - Land Use and Resource Matrix
buildings and land use

Manual on Environmental Management in Project Design (MEMPD).
buildings and land use (PETUS case study)

water and sewage (PETUS case study)

water and sewage (PETUS case study)

Movement for Innovation (M4I) Sustainability Indicator Assessment Tool
buildings and land use (PETUS case study)

Multi-criteria-analysis (MCA) -(Helsinki Metropolitan Area Council (YTV))
transport (PETUS case study)

Multicriteria analysis (Brown, Vence and Associates, Inc.)
waste (PETUS case study)

Multicriteria assessment tool
buildings and land use

Municipal Target Criteria (one of Two)
buildings and land use (PETUS case study)

National Target Criteria (one of Two)
buildings and land use (PETUS case study)

NHS Environmental Assessment Tool (NEAT)
buildings and land use

ORWARE (Organic Waste Research)
waste (PETUS case study)

Participatory Assessment Process (PAP)
buildings and land use (PETUS case study)

buildings and land use (PETUS case study)

PASTILLE electronic tool
buildings and land use

Planner's TOOLBOX
buildings and land use

Policy for open planning process
buildings and land use

Policy on Open Space Planning
green blue (PETUS case study)

Policy Planning Guidance
green blue

PPG17 - Planning Policy Guidance 17
green blue

Preliminary EIA Report
buildings and land use (PETUS case study)

Public Planning Forum
green blue (PETUS case study)

Quality of Life
buildings and land use

buildings and land use

Ranking Criteria for Priority Assessment
energy (PETUS case study)

RST Grid
buildings and land use

Seascape Assessment
buildings and land use (PETUS case study)

Secured by Design
buildings and land use (PETUS case study)

SERPLAN Strategic Environmental Assessment: Methodology and Appraisal Framework for the Review of the Regional Strategy

Set of Local Sustainability Indicators (LSI)
buildings and land use (PETUS case study)

Social Impact Assessment
buildings and land use

Spatial and Ecological Assessment of the TEN

Spatial and Territorial Indicators
buildings and land use

SPeAR®: Sustainable Project Appraisal Routine (ARUP)
buildings and land use

Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP)
energy (PETUS case study)

Sustainability Checklist
buildings and land use (PETUS case study)

Sustainability indicators for waste, energy and travel

Sustainable Development Index (SDI)
buildings and land use

Sustainable Diagnosis
buildings and land use (PETUS case study)

Sustainable Livelihoods Approach
buildings and land use (PETUS case study)

Sustainable Process Index (SPI)

SWARD Project
water and sewage

Systems Analysis in landscape planning
buildings and land use

The Athena Model - Athena Sustainable Materials Institute

The context analysis
buildings and land use (PETUS case study)

The Dashboard Tool
buildings and land use

The Green Poster
green blue

The Indicators Toolkit
buildings and land use

The MOLAND Urban Modelling Tool
buildings and land use

The Neighbourhood Appraisal; Shaping Neighbourhoods, A guide for health, sustainability and vitality
buildings and land use

The Neighbourhood Checklist: Community Checklist; Shaping Neighbourhood, A guide for health, sustainability and vitality
buildings and land use

The Neighbourhood Checklist: Investors Checklist; Shaping Neighbourhood, A guide for health, sustainability and vitality
buildings and land use

The Sociotop Map
green blue

Toolbox for Regional Policy Analysis
buildings and land use

Traffic planning – a SEA-based guideline for the regional level
transport (PETUS case study)

Translating official sustainability commitments into everyday management practices
green blue

Urban environmental management framework
buildings and land use

Visual assessment (photo montage)
buildings and land use (PETUS case study)

Waste Water Treatment Works (WWTW) Site selection matrix
buildings and land use (PETUS case study)

Welsh Assembly Government Integration Tool
buildings and land use

energy (PETUS case study)

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